Gender Dysphoria, Children, And Moral Panics
What new data from the UK shows about trans children
It’s been a year since the Cass review into gender clinics for children in the UK came out. I wrote about the review last year in depth, noting both the few strengths of the document as well as the many weaknesses. If you’re interested in a summary of why the Cass review is not a great document to base any sort of clinical decision-making on, I recommend having a read of those pieces:
There is now an addendum to the story. 9 months after the main review came out, York university has now formally published their epidemiological study looking at trans youth in the UK. This was relegated to an appendix in the original review, and barely mentioned in the document.
Shockingly - but, at this point, unsurprisingly - the new paper from York seems to contradict quite a few of the theories that the Cass review puts forward.
Let’s look at the data.
The Study
Before we dive into the numbers, there’s some important background. Over the last 15 years, the number of children who were referred to UK gender clinics rose quite a bit. This was one of the big reasons that the Cass review was first started - there was some question over what was causing this increase. The Cass review argued that societal acceptance of trans people could not possibly have caused it, and then argued that a range of things were more likely to be the cause.
In particular, the review argued that there were probably more trans kids due to “broader mental health challenges”. The review then suggested that you could reduce the number of trans children by treating mental health issues such as depression or anxiety, which implies strongly that these issues are directly causing children to become transgender:
“The association is likely to be complex and bidirectional - that is, in some individuals, preceding mental ill health (such as anxiety, depression, OCD, eating disorders), may result in uncertainty around gender identity and therefore contribute to a presentation of gender related distress. In such circumstances, treating the mental health disorder and strengthening an individual’s sense of self may help to address some issues relating to gender identity.” - Cass review, page 119. Bolding added for emphasis.
To support this argument, the review used data from York University, who were contracted to provide epidemiological and scientific assistance to the review, showing that the rate of diagnosed gender dysphoria in kids had increased substantially between 2009-2021. The York data also showed that a high proportion of the kids with gender dysphoria in the UK also had co-occurring mental health conditions, which the Cass review argued was supported by data from other countries:
“The systematic review (Taylor et al: Patient characteristics) documented the rapid increase in referrals across many countries and concluded “These children show higher than expected levels of ASD, ADHD, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, suicidality, selfharm, and ACEs. Agreement on the core characteristics data to be collected at referral/ assessment would help to ensure studies measure key outcomes and enable services to develop to meet the needs of these children. Services need to assess and respond to any co-occurring needs and complexities”.” - Cass review, page 97.
In the review itself, the York data was relegated to Appendix 5. But this data has just been published in the journal Archives of Disease in Childhood. The final paper contradicts the Cass review in rather startling ways.
The authors looked at the CPRD database, which is a dataset of 13 million patients seen in primary care practices across the UK. While it’s not perfectly representative of the UK, it does cover around 1/5 of the population and is therefore useful for tracking important clinical diagnoses.
The dataset is also limited in that it only includes routine clinical data. So, for example, you can see in the dataset everyone who has had a doctor diagnosis of depression, but that doesn’t necessarily tell you everyone who is depressed. Many depressed people never get diagnosed, while others are diagnosed but their diagnosis is never recorded.
In this study, the researchers looked at every person aged <18 years who had a diagnosis of gender dysphoria entered into their clinical record between 2011 and 2021. They also compared this group to two controls - kids with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder, and kids with a diagnosis of an eating disorder - who were matched by the area where they lived and their age.
The findings are quite interesting. The incidence of diagnoses of gender dysphoria grew quite a bit between 2011 and 2021. Specifically, the rate went from 0.001% up to 0.04%. That’s an increase from around 1 in 100,000 all the way up to 44 in 100,000 kids. For some context, a disease is generally considered to be “rare” if fewer than 50 in 100,000 people suffer from it. The prevalence went from 0.002% up to 0.08%.
Now, we know that this is a limited data source. It doesn’t tell us how many people actually have gender dysphoria, it just tells us how many kids were recorded in clinical systems as having this diagnosis. We know that around 1% of kids in the UK report being transgender, which is far above the rate that this study found for diagnoses of gender dysphoria.
But this also strongly contradicts one of the primary arguments of the Cass review. The review argued that the number of trans kids had exponentially increased, and implied that it was still skyrocketing. While the relative change was large - around 40 times increase over a decade - the absolute increase was minuscule.
The next major finding of this study was that the rate of anxiety was almost identical between the gender dysphoria cohort and the matched controls, and the rate of diagnosed depression was very similar for kids with eating disorders but not those with autism. This contradicts a key argument from the Cass review. The belief in the review is that there was something exceptional about trans children, who were all of a sudden presenting with increased mental health difficulties, and that this meant that the mental health issues were causing gender dysphoria.
Instead, we can see that numerous different groups of kids saw increases in anxiety and depression diagnoses in this time period. This means that there is almost certainly a third factor - probably changes in diagnosis and treatment for anxiety and depression - that explains the increase in both trans and cis kids during this time period.
Another key pillar of the Cass review was that the gender services in the UK had gone crazy with medications, and were giving them in a problematic fashion. The review describes the gender service’s actions as a “departure from normal clinical practice”.
However, the York data flatly contradicts this argument. Of the 3,782 children with a diagnosis of gender dysphoria in this dataset, 176 were ever prescribed puberty blockers and 302 ever got hormones. Given the rules about prescribing hormones at the time, that means that <10% of kids in this massive dataset with gender dysphoria ever had a recorded prescription. The authors acknowledge that this could be an underestimate, because the dataset is based on primary care and may not always capture specialist prescriptions, but it’s still a remarkably low number.
It also tracks with the other data that the Cass review identified. We know from the review that 27% of children attending the gender clinics were ever referred for endocrine services. But not all children diagnosed with dysphoria made it to the gender clinics, and not all kids referred to endocrine got medications. So it seems reasonable to say that <10% of kids with gender dysphoria in the UK were likely prescribed puberty blockers or hormones from 2011-2021.
Moral Panics
It’s impossible to square this epidemiological data with the severe criticism in the Cass review. It seems that it was incredibly rare for a child to be diagnosed with dysphoria and ever actually access medications. Much of the review - and certainly the main recommendations - focused on medications, but these were only ever an issue for a small minority of an already tiny group.
The headlines surrounding this study show just how bizarre the moral panic has been. Media everywhere has focused on the “50 times” increase, because it sounds scary, but mostly ignored the “fewer diagnoses than a rare disease” part of the equation.
In fact, this new data from York completely undermines much of the Cass review and the moral panic spurring the document. There are more children overdosed accidentally by the NHS each year than prescribed hormones or puberty blockers, but there are rarely headlines about a child being hospitalized because their doctor accidentally gave them 5x the recommended dose of an anticonvulsant.
We should care about all children’s health, of course. But it’s astonishing how much attention is paid to possible unproven harms for a very small group of children vs proven harms for a much larger cohort.
In addition, medication prescribing peaked in 2017 and was declining at the time of the Cass review’s publication. Children with gender dysphoria did not see an unexpected rise in anxiety and depression as the review claimed based on limited data from overseas. While rates of dysphoria did increase, they remained incredibly low overall, and had plateaued prior to the Cass review coming out. Trans kids were clearly already getting treatment for their mental health conditions, so it’s very unlikely that these mental health conditions were causing kids to become trans. Etc, etc, etc.
This new data doesn’t change all that much. As I wrote previously:
What we can say with some certainty is that the most impactful review of gender services for children was seriously, perhaps irredeemably, flawed. The document made numerous basic errors, cited conversion therapy in a positive way, and somehow concluded that the only intervention with no evidence whatsoever behind it was the best option for transgender children.
The new study just seems like more data that does not support the main findings of the review. As with most such information, it was ignored. Depressing, but no longer surprising for the incredibly flawed Cass review.
@Gideon : It might be interesting to know that an extreme-right politician with religious-extremist political views (called trans people pedophiles in 2021 when debating a Self-ID law change in The Netherlands) used the "50 times increase" in an even more egregious way.
He did the "Cass thing" by saying (in questions to our minister of National Health, Sports and Wellbeing about the Cass report) "Is the minister aware and concerned that there appears to be a 5000% increase in children with gender dysphoria?" and left out the beginning number, or the timespan.
It is also deeply concerning that these politicians are so willing to confuse referrals with diagnosis...
We are dealing with a fully fascist government that has been attempting to overthrow democracy on certain key elements a couple of times by now, and it has failed multiple times, but the attacks on trans people are ongoing to this day.
2 much more recent attacks were trying to do "black sheep" politics on mental healthcare for children by arguing (in questions to the state secretary of National Health, Wellbeing and Sports) that trans children were using up all available capacity and that there should be a push to declare that mental healthcare should only be given to "the correct children and not those confused by a mental delusion instilled in their minds by radical gender ideology."
If you looked at data involving trans children compared to all children in mental healthcare, the amount was astonishingly low: a little more than 1% was on the waiting list after being referred to transgender healthcare.
And the rest? Being targeted by the same politicians who are more than happy to do a 226 million euro's funding cutback to children's mental healthcare systems in 2026. It was scheduled for 2025 but opposition parties managed to get that one scrapped.
Currently, they are crying about the "mistakes that are never allowed to happen ever again", in the foster-parent system after severe abuse of a child taken out of custody of the biological mother, with whom she might actually have been better off given the severe abuse she suffered under the hands of her foster parents of whom earlier signals had been completely ignored.
Another recent attack has been a different party being "concerned about the decreasing support and tolerance for LGBTQI+ people". This party, just like the party I talked about earlier both refused to sign what is called "The Rainbow Agreement", a statement with which you declare as a political party not to design legislation to attack sexual minorities with, or in general, discriminate against a group of people.
This party openly welcomed a former lawyer who in 2023 at 54 years of age openly attacked a 22-year old trans woman after she won a Miss Netherlands beauty pageant. Mind you, this pageant never concerned this former lawyer ever before. But now she was radicalized and decided to jump on the controverse-Intercity train towards fascism.
To be clear how radical she is: she has been convicted for group discrimination of muslim people. The remark leading to this continues to be labeled by her as "Incredibly nuanced".
She considers transphobia humor, calls herself a feminist but shares manosphere material on her Instagram profile. She would fit the MAGA-type of Republican very, VERY well.
The same party openly welcomed a party member from a different party who compared scrapping the self-ID law change with "protecting children from the pedophile organisation Martijn".
This organisation sounds more scary and problematic than it really is: it was an organisation that tried to argue for more humane debates around people with this preference, it didn't promote pedosexuality nor did people who were convicted were welcome, it just tried to remain in contact with a society that increasingly is out to lynch them or even at the mere rumour someone might be a pedophile decides to take matters in their own hands.
The first party I talked about tried to revoke patient-doctor confidentiality of trans children so they could look at their medical records: the person doing this is convinced doctors are overdiagnosing these children, and tried to insinuate that ever since this massive increase in referrals all these children were seen in time, without waiting lists and that we were already well aware of the complete image of this new demographic.
A member of the same party that made the 5000% increase remark was responsible for this in mid February 2024 and is called Rosanne Hertzberger. She is a former microbiologist having worked in the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, at just 500 meters distance of the VU Medical Centre that once pioneered with the treatment of trans children. Her call for research "into the long-term effects of puberty blockers" of course solely focused on trans children, not cis-gender children, because apparently they are somehow perfectly safe there.
Problem for her is that the research she called for WAS ALREADY RUNNING for 2 years in the VU Medical Centre in Amsterdam. A former microbiologist failing to be capable of finding out that this is the case, understandably concerned many pro-trans organisations and trans people themselves: all were deeply worried about her supposed integrety and cautious approach to this research. And given the typical truth-and-science-hating nature of extreme-right politicians, they were also concerned whether she actually was interested in the outcome.
She quit her position November 2024 "after concerns over unjust language towards minorities", this in relation to the poorly handled and selective response to riots in Amsterdam between Maccabi soccer hooligans and muslim people eventually retaliating due to police leaving the fighting Maccabi hooligans to their own devices but slammed down hard when muslim people eventually retaliated (my country has a serious bias problem involving protecting Israël at ALL cost).
Unfortunately journalists utterly failed to verbally knock her teeth out by asking about her own hypocrisy about targeting minorities.
The Dutch media unfortunately has been proven equally as useless as the US in strongly condemning extreme-right rhetoric, politicians and their policy.
Another party member of the same party 2 months after trying to revoke patient-doctor confidentiality of trans children called all trans people and even trans children serial rapists.
This party is called New Social Contract by the way, abbreviated to NSC, which QUICKLY drew the comparison in people that it had a very, VERY problematic sounding connotation with NSB, the only political party allowed during the Second World War and was an NSDAP-daughterparty of the party of Adolf Hitler.
NSB is the abbrevation for "Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging" or in English: National-Socialistic Movement.