The "study" in question is impressively bad. I'm surprised the BMJ published it. As GMK noted many problems with the "study" are really obvious. For what it is worth, the authors do not seem to be infectious disease specialists or epidemiologists - 3 seem to be oncologists, and one an "independent researcher".

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Thank you for this. Based on voluminous sound research and common sense it was axiomatic the authors had made errors in their data analysis and overall reasoning. If this was submitted as a paper to my Biostatistics 101 class it would have received an F because of the sloppy data collection and analysis and convoluted thinking.

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It's mindblowing that a vaccine is blamed for excess deaths while a novel virus rips through the population. I don't envy the next generation of researchers and health officials next time there's a pandemic, it'd be a brave person to stick their neck out in light of the current witch hunt.

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It isn't a vaccine...stop calling it that

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If you worked during the pandemonium and realized many didn't have the bug rip through, but death after death after the vexx. I worked it. I saw it up front. I had many friends die- they did not have covid. I also worked med records. I saw all the inquiries from physicians to attorneys to life insurance claims to collection of data of lost fetuses ...so much the general public didn't see. We tried to speak out, but were silenced.

Of course, you can believe what you want, but the evidence of that strange science experiment, unleashed upon the people, is out there, should you be brave enough to see.

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The paper is indeed laughable. The lack of objectivity is obvious from the outset, when in their introduction of 998 words (where they purport to look for causes of excess mortality in 2000-2022) they use 506 words to talk about vaccine adverse effects and 243 words to talk about containment measures’ adverse effects - but *zero*words to discuss the appearance and dramatically increased infection rate and prevalence of SARS CoV2 variants.

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Did you work in hospitals & LTC during these horrific times? That's all the dafa you need. The deaths didn't come after the bug, but after the vexx. What a nightmare it was. Be brave. Dig deep.

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Yes I did, and it was the virus, not the vaccine. You’re committing the base rate fallacy. See https://ourworldindata.org/covid-deaths-by-vaccination

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Wrong answer

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It's interesting how creatively you use language.

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I guess it depends whose "data" you are reading. I watched personal clients, residents in LTC where I managed a department and friends field, one after another. Not from the bug- that was fairly rare in our facilities. But after those mess of vexxes, we had people dropping like flies. Somehow, those given "extra privileges" bc the accepted the "science experiment" all fell ill soon after. Those of us who didn't get the thing were left holding the bag.

You'd think working those dastardly 60- 80 hour weeks, for months on end, because of employees who were exposed or potentially exposed or whose pcr test gave them the rule that they were now infected...even if they had no symptoms.

My son had severe symptoms AFTER the vexx, and I'm still concerned. The nurse who was in charge of pushing them had her breast cancer symptoms reappear. My sis had to have emergency surgery after the vexx, bc of uncontrollable bleeding. My client suddenly got a strange dementia. Dr's didn't know, at first, if it was stroke or something else. They coukd never dx. Another client w parkinson, suddenly his symptoms worsened and he died in a couple of months.

Then, having to do admissions and speaking w families, their parents were admitted to LTC bc of sudden downturn in health. Many died in a day or two, some a couple of months. I watched it! Did you?

Then, my stint in med records and all the problems after.

My colleague and long-time charge nurse died after the vexx. Her record showed up on my desk. A year and a half of new onset of systolic & diastolic heart failure. He had none of ththat before.

My friend, still working in a physical job took it "for work". Suddenly, she wrnt downhill and had to retire early with all of the heart problems she just acquired. 2 or 3 heart surgeries followed.

One after another, friends died suddenly. One client informed her 80s reported that her suddenly died after it. She called her good friend to tell her and her husband just died too.

My friend, Alice. An older woman, but in charge of gathering the crew and we attend member funerals. Sure, there are some older people, but there always has been. We are seeing death after death, still today.

My data may be different (hospital and insurance and life insurance data may say something different), but it is very clear that those things have caused so much death. I suppose you're deeply invested in one way or another?

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Your data is certainly different than all the health care workers I've talked to. It is also different from my family's experience (small size - no serious side effects from the RNA vaccines and hospitalizations from coVid - prior to the vaccines being available) and of course the data from Canadian provincial health authorities and federal government.

Interestingly Excess deaths in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the US generally align with reported coVid deaths rather than vaccinations.

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Great article on the pseudo science we're seeing over the last few years. Now, would someone be so kind as to rebut Dr. Chandler?

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Interesting opinion piece. Just an FYI on the statement "Then there’s the idea of “Western” countries...I haven’t seen the term used in a paper published this century." PubMed alone returns 180 studies/papers since 2018 with the words "Western Countries" in the titles.

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